Feb 28, 2023
Watauga Wayfinding Sign Foundation Areté Engineers provided design services for forty one (41) proposed sign structures consisting of up to four (4) different sign types. Signs to be installed across Watauga County to give directions to different points of interest...
Apr 29, 2022
Areté Engineers provided structural engineering and construction documents for (6) individual “whimsical” tree houses with varying elevated bridges/walkway between them. The project is located on the sloped side of a mountain in Gatlinburg, TN. The treehouses and...
Apr 8, 2022
Areté Engineers inspected the existing 2-story deck that was originally supported by Black Locust log posts. The log posts had deteriorated and were in need of replacement to prevent failure of the deck. Due to the height and steep slope, Areté designed an angled...
Apr 1, 2022
PROJECT OVERVIEW Areté Engineers assisted in the design of a pavilion structure located in Beach Mountain, NC. This wedding and event structure required large open bay doors in a high wind, high exposure location. Aretè took over completion of structural...
Mar 24, 2022
Project Overview The project shown below involved structural engineering and drawing services for the framing and foundation of a single-family residence located in Blowing Rock, NC. The residence was constructed on steep sloped site in the mountain area, which...