Areté Engineers inspected the existing 2-story deck that was originally supported by Black Locust log posts. The log posts had deteriorated and were in need of replacement to prevent failure of the deck. Due to the height and steep slope, Areté designed an angled replacement lower post and added lower deck system with tie-back anchors to solid rock. This allowed for the posts to be replaced with normal length 8”x 8” pressure treated wood posts. The added lower deck was also usable, resulting in a structurally sound 3-story deck when construction was finished. The owner had originally planned to repair the deck to sell the property, but they were so pleased with the finished deck that they decided to keep it.
Structural Details:
- Conventional Wood Deck Framing in a Challenging Location
- Unconventional Angled Lower Posts and Tie-Back System.
- Addition of a New Roof Area Above the Upper Deck
- Addition of a New Lower-Level Deck
- Complex Lateral Bracing System for Wind and Live Floor Loading